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Chicago Gang Members Caught on Camera Firing at Passing Cars Near 24th and Homan



chicago news

In the early hours of August 25, 2024, gang members in Chicago were captured on camera recklessly shooting at passing cars near the intersection of 24th and Homan.

The incident occurred at approximately 2:45 AM, sending shockwaves through the community.

Multiple police officers reported hearing gunshots, with one officer correctly identifying the location as west of 25th and Spaulding, while another officer mistakenly reported it as east of 24th and Kedzie.

However, the Shot Spotter gunfire detection system accurately pinpointed the shooting to 2400 South Homan, confirming the location of the incident.

Following the shooting, the gang members were seen on camera returning to the intersection to collect the spent shell casings, likely in an effort to cover their tracks.

The discontinuation of the Shot Spotter system has raised concerns, with many seeing it as a boon to gang members, allowing such criminal activity to go undetected without the sophisticated detection technology. As violence continues to plague the city, the removal of this system could hinder law enforcement efforts to prevent and respond to gun violence.

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