Oregon Kindergarten Students Forced to Sit Outside on Buckets in 40-Degree Weather

Kindergarteners were seen having lunch outside and sitting on buckets socially separated in 40-degree temperatures at an elementary school in Portland, Oregon.
The children were students at Portland’s Capitol Hill Elementary School.
The video which was shared on Twitter has gotten over 1 million views and several reactions. “it’s time to free your children from the clutches of the teachers unions.” National Director of research, Corey A. DeAngelis said.
Another said: “what we are doing to our kids is unfathomable. running around in 40 degree weather enjoying recess and each others company is healthy. this… is insane. too many adults are, en masse, insane. there will be consequences.“
A man said: “I’m a youth football coaching legend, and I make my players practice for 3 or 4 hours in colder weather than this and I can assure you we do not allow them to have lunch or water during that time. It’s called having a winning mindset.“
The video has received no response from Portland Public Schools.